Monday, February 6, 2012

My Amazing Weekend... Not.

So my last post was on the 2nd... by the 4th, I had that incredible puking nastiness that my kid had. And not just me, but kid #2 had it as well, to the tune of puking in her bed and not even waking me up. Personally, I could happily live without ever walking into the kids room and finding a half-dried puddle of vomit on the pillow EVER AGAIN. Especially when I still felt like puking, kinda, myself. That had to be one of the grossest, most miserable weekends on record in my house.

Speaking of my house, I have failed to clean it. Okay, I did clean up the puke and wash all the laundry, but the rest of the house is sadly lacking cleanliness... it needs help. BIG TIME. Ah well, I know what I'm doing tomorrow, huh? House cleaning 101, emergency status. Oh yes. I need a siren for that, I bet that would make my kids freaking JUMP to help clean up, instead of fighting  me every step of the way. There would be no more arguing, whining, crying, and if there was I wouldn't be able to hear it anyway. "What? I can't hear you! The faster we get it cleaned up, the faster we can turn off the siren! I know it's loud! That's the POINT!"

Good thought for the evening, I guess. ;)

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