Tuesday, January 24, 2012

An Introduction To Me

So here I am in blogger world again, how strange.... and the real question is, do I actually have anything to say? I might. From time to time it will be pointless or silly, but who cares, right? That's what the internet is here for. I will most likely be writing about the ins and outs of parenthood, how crazy my two kids drive me, the realities of being essentially a single parent, with occasional forays into other subjects. Why not? Like I said, that's what the internet is here for.

So I have two kids, ages 4 and almost 6, one girl one boy respectively. They are sometimes the light of my life, and sometimes the bane of my existence. As I'm finding most people feel the same way, I won't worry too much about that. Last night we had one of the good times, the kids were telling stories to each other and laughing hysterically. This, you may realize, does not happen all the time. Generally they are telling each other how much they dislike each other or finding something to fight about. As kids do. I like the laughing parts better.

I like to make stuff. This is one of those forays into something else, you might have guessed. I like to draw and paint and make jewelry. The jewelry is what I do the most, it's something that saves my sanity on occasion. I like to write too, I've been writing poetry since I was in the fifth grade. So I guess I am a well-rounded creative person, when you look at it that way. Now, if I could just find some way to make that pay... that would be super awesome.

I am separated from my husband, which you know if you read my About Me section, right? Right. We were together for 11 years. The only good things to come out of that are the kids and my own realization that I know what I DON'T want in a relationship. I don't want to be judged, and I don't want to be made to feel insignificant, and I want my opinion to matter, damn it. Oh, the other good thing that came from that, at least I know now that this is my life. And that, my friends, is extraordinarily important. I am no longer living for anyone else, I am doing the things I want and need to do. I've got to maintain my own sanity and live for me. If I can't do that, how am I supposed to raise two kids into acceptable human beings? Hmm? Exactly. It would be impossible. And on that note, I need to go make some coffee. Oh, did I mention I am a coffee addict? Well, now you know. :)

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